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Video Testimonials

Video Testimonials
Nagging Back and Ankle Injuries from Years Ago - Now Moving Better
Deep Nerve and Back Pain Stopped Shirley From Running - Now Running Regularly with Less Pain
Chronic Hip Pain and Weakness Decreased Quality of Life
Crippling Pain had Scott Depressed to be Active and Work. 

Frustrating Back Issues for 20 Years          Preparation for Boston Marathon 2017

Back and Knee Pain Decreasing Activity and Endurance
Back and Neck Pain Limiting Fire Fighter at Work

Couldn't Walk After Knee and Hip Repacements

In Memory of David Applegate
While we no longer practice or are
affiliated with MAT(TM) we will continue to leave this video in memory our David. He was not only a great example of our exercise process, but he was a dear friend to STRATA.

Shoulder Injury that was Reoccuring

Paralyzing Plantar Fasciitis limiting property maintenance and family time

Written Testimonials

Chronic Discomfort in Hip


"I have been going to Brandon for over 7 years and have become a new person in the process. Before STRATA, I could barely walk due to an accident at 3 years old. The injury to my hip limited me my entire life, stopping my abilities to live the active lifestyle I wanted. Brandon's ability to find the reasoning behind the pain allowed him to fix not only the problems in my hip, but also realign everything from my feet, to back, to left arm. His knowledge of how the human body interconnects allows any degree of injury to become obsolete. His professionalism and experience gets to the root of the injury, not just masking it like a Band-Aid. Before Brandon I had endless visits to the chiropractor and doctors offices with no solution in sight. Now I can live my life injury free without the fear of it reoccurring in the future. I now see Brandon every 6-8 weeks to ensure my body is functioning to its fullest potential. Without him I wouldn't be able to workout 4 times a week and keep up with the active career I have. He's allowed me to live life actively and to the fullest!"

S.G. Newmarket Ontario

Fibromyaligia, chronic knee discomfort, didn't want to stop doing the activities she loved because of her sensations


"Brandon is a highly skilled, knowledgeable, and experienced health professional. He is passionate about his work and is committed to helping people recover from muscle and joint injury.


The techniques that Brandon uses are gentle, safe and painless. I am a 63 year old women with fibromyalgia and initially went to Brandon for a sports injury to my right knee. I was amazed at how quickly his techniques worked. After several visits, not only did he fix my leg problem, but he also relieved my pain in my hips and carpal tunnel syndrome in my right hand.


I am so grateful to Brandon for relieving my many aches and pains. I practice yoga and have noticed an improvement in my postures. I move with greater ease, feel stronger, and am more “balanced”. My fibromyalgia has also improved.


I am excited about the next phase of my program where Brandon will be creating a customized exercise program that takes into consideration my current physical limitations. I look forward to my sessions with Brandon as I always leave feeling much better and with a spring in my step."


R.G. 63

Sciatica Pain


"Six years ago I developed acute sciatic pain that dramatically effected all of my daily activities. I consulted twice with a surgeon regarding a treatment option, but i preferred to search for a non-surgical solution. Eventually, I found massage, chiropractic and inversion every three to four weeks would keep me comfortable. I was looking a constant dependence on these services as I age.


When a friend suggest I try (Muscle System and Internal Performance Optimization), i was happy investigate this option. I have found after 6 sessions, without massage or chiropractic adjustment, I feel more balanced and comfortable. I run up and down stairs and feel 20 years younger! [Needless to say, I can’t say enough about my positive impression with this approach. And I will will soon have the tools to maintain this wonderful feeling with my own targeted (Custom Fit) exercise program.]"


S.K. Muskoka, Ontario 

Plantar Faciitis


"Brandon, I want to thank you for your skills and the knowledge you have shared with me in relation to my possible plantar fasciitis. As you know, my "boot camp-like" trip to BC with my son was amazing. I climbed some mountains (up to 3 hour climbs), which included climbing sheer rock and heading quickly and steeply downhill on loose rock, and did some walks/ hikes that were up to 15 km in length (often on the same day as a climb). We walked, hiked, and/or climbed almost every day for 10 days straight and not once did my foot bother me! I even walked around on gigantic rocks exposed during low tide in my bare feet (probably not the best thing to do but my foot survived)! And I did my foot exercises every morning and evening as recommended! Thank you Brandon. My trip would not have been as successful without your help."


KK, Holland Landing, Ontario

ACL Tear 


"I began my custom training with Taylor around November 2014, following an Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) tear. In an effort to strengthen my body pre and post-surgery, Taylor has created unique workouts that challenge my body from head-to-toe. These sessions have become a vital part of my recovery. He is motivating, incredibly knowledgeable, and always professional. With Taylor’s help I have recovered quicker than expected by both myself and my surgeon. I appreciate his help more than I can say!"


Stephanie, Richmond


I attended one of Brandon’s demonstrations in January 2017, recommended to me by a friend who had been working with him and had very impressive results for sciatica pain. I too was very impressed at the demonstration with the personalized and holistic approach of Brandon’s work.

After suffering for several years with severe lower back pain, knee osteoarthritis, and struggles with weight, I had tried many other methods to find relief, with no success. Massage, acupuncture, ultrasound, laser, chiropractic and pain relievers did nothing to ease the pain and it was getting worse. I became unable to perform basic activities like walking, shopping, or household chores without having to stop and rest every few minutes. My mobility had become so restricted I was at the point of giving up and trying to just live with it.

Upon learning of Brandon’s unique approach to managing over-all health and exercising to treat the whole person, not just an isolated part of the body, I decided I would make a last attempt at improving my condition to live a more productive life. I began working with him nearly one year ago and am truly a new person! It begins with a very comprehensive review of your condition and all the factors affecting your daily life. Then through slow and gradual work-outs twice per week, with continual monitoring, reassessment, and adjustment of my program by Brandon, I began to be able to walk longer without pain, and to improve my balance and posture, which relieved my back and knee pain quite quickly. I have also lost over 40 pounds and feel amazing! I have new energy and am able to do all the things I want to do again without pain or stress. It has truly given me a new lease on life and I could not be happier with my results. At age 60 I had resigned myself to being “old” but now I feel years younger than I did last year at this time.

Brandon  and his staff at Strata Internal Performance treat their clients with customized routines, patience, caring, and total commitment to their work. They make each person feel that their progress is of the utmost importance to them and it definitely shows in the results that they are able to guide you to achieve.  This goes far beyond the usual personal training, it is a whole-body personalized approach to changing your life in many ways, and is adapted to each person’s individual needs. It is not the cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all approach of most gyms and trainers.  

I highly recommend you try Strata Internal Performance if you are just tired of living with pain and want to reclaim your life. It is the only thing that worked for me after more than five years of trying so many other treatments that did not succeed. I have observed that the clientele at Strata is of all ages and stages of physical health, including some in their 60’s and 70’s, proving it is never too late to change your health and your life. I never thought I could do this but I DID, with Brandon’s specialized knowledge, commitment, interest and patience.   

If you will contact Brandon or attend one of his demonstrations I know you will be intrigued to discover more about this highly successful and unique approach to fitness. There are no high-pressure sales tactics or long term commitments demanded, just a genuine interest in each person’s individuality and a strong desire to help you see lasting and rewarding results. 


© 2019 Strata Fitness Enterprise Inc. 



17705 Leslie St. Unit 16+17

L3Y 3E3

Newmarket, Ontario


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